Thursday, July 17, 2008

Public Service Annoucements CAN be entertaining!

I postings have been sparse lately. I promise I will get better once this move is over...I've found that inspiration is slow to come when life is stressful. Aack! But I'll take moving and stress over calm and remaining in this apartment! So to tide you over until a proper post can be written, I thought I'd give you this delectable tidbit of awesome.

Please be careful with the volume if you're at work, or if there are young, impressionable ears around....

My, my...Schoolhouse Rock has come a long way since I was wee.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to go to my room and read now.

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP! This made my day!

Anonymous said...

dude, the clip is no longer available it says... what was it? can i find it somewhere else? DON'T LEAVE ME HANGIN!